Health by Haven Podcast
Fueled by her belief that wellness education should be widespread and accessible, Haven started the Health by Haven Podcast to share inspiring guest stories on nutrition, fitness, business ownership and beyond. This show provides listeners with the tools to live their healthiest, fullests, best lives with a few laughs along the way. Healthy living, simplified - give it a listen!
Health by Haven Podcast
033 | 10 Min Guided Meditation
The hustle and bustle of the holiday season, while fun, can sometimes get a bit overwhelming with the parties and the cooking and the gift wrapping and the traveling, etc. etc. It can be a challenge to get a moment alone to just breathe.
This guided holiday meditation is meant to be a useful tool when things get overwhelming. Just step away for 10 minutes and take a moment just for you. While this episode was designed for the busy holiday season, you can come back to it anytime of the year when you need a moment of calm!
Follow Haven on Instagram @healthbyhaven for more health and wellness content! Get healthy recipes, read wellness articles, and learn all about HxH at